Market day. Really just an excuse to get out of the house and go into town. Which is actually referred to as the 'village'. Whenever I say I'm heading to 'town' people think I'm heading into Newcastle, a 20 minutes train trip. Of course I provoke a bit more surprise when I say "I'm just going to run up and take of my pants". My work pants are bulky and covered in various forms of paints and epoxy. I don't like to wear them at home. But its an awkward thing to say when 'trousers' are what you wear on top, and 'pants' are what go underneath.
find the merchant
I picked this one up and it bit me!
can you find a dog, a yawn, a small tin cup?
How much for the water?
bored of bowling, the gypsy had no time for rice.
Lunch was a Peas Pudding and Ham sandwich followed by a raspberry chili scone.
I found everything!