Fun fact!
Australia surpassed the USA for being the BIGGEST population per capita... that's right,
is now available overseas!
Is this in any way related to the latest and greatest ad-campaign sweeping "Chemist" stores (drug stores) across the great Outback?

Or maybe it's the rocketing rise of weight-loss reality-elimination series crushing the networks... Like Kool and the Gang would say, "Ya gotta get up to get down!"
For those mature Ozzi's that have escaped the modern Omnivore's dilemma, they've launched their own ad campaign to rub it in the gravitas of Gen Y's gross overdose on gravity...
but g'luck gettin' there with our national diet, boo Ya!
Reminds me of the San Francisco ad campaign to raise awareness of family diets:
"Childhood obesity:
Don't take it lightly"
great job advertising agency responsible for this - you just created the kamikaze pun!!
(Fat Tuesday? it's almost Easter... and we're getting in the mood! Hard to forget, my housemate has put little chocolate eggs all over the house. In the soap dish, in the breadbox, in the mugs in the cupboard, in our shoes... everything you open SURPRISE! chocolate.)