Friday, April 15, 2011

Oz or Italia?? --- You make the call!!

So... walking down the street in Dee Why, a beach town on the Northern side of Sydney, I ran into some Italians, and they were like, "
and I was like, "No way!" and then they were like, "


But dee Why?? It's APRIL! and we're a bagillion miles away from Cappuccinos that are actually "little coffees" with mostly moist foam and not just Latte's disguised with chocolate sprinkles.

(I've never understood the Kiwi/Ozzi/Pomi system of coffee nomenclature. Could a Latte by any other name taste so bittersweet? Ya it could, it's called a Flat White. What's the difference? A deeper (self-appointed) knowledge of etymology and anthropology might reveal to you that the answer is "None" now that the espresso machine+culture has arrived on the scene but that hence upon ye times of olde, like 10 years ago, it was drip coffee with some foam on top.)

Because once upon a time in the Land of Cappuccinos and feline infested toppled marble blocks, there was a Christmas celebration with a Roman-now-turned-Mexican hermano, and every single house, apartment, human erected structure (David's butt, quite a cheeky sight...) had a Santa climbing up/hanging in desperation from a ladder dangling from it. Some people celebrate with presents and carols and wintergreens. Others with Santa paraphernalia that simultaneously reminds you of... ok, Santa, but also the KKK, the biggest loser, and helicopter rescue divers.


In about 8 months.

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