Sunday, November 13, 2011

Map Quest

(file this under "back-log blog"...)

From time to time Silvino takes me on fun tourist dates - which after all the time I've been in Sydney, I haven't ticked any of these "sightseeing musts" off my list. Partly because it pains me to admit I'm a tourist... even though I most undeniably am. And partly because I haven't had the right playmate.

I must admit that it is... quite fun! to do all these blaring -

¡¡¡ I'M A TOURIST !!!


- things.

So here are a few from our Sydney Tower date, now worth looking at.
The edited, compiled, resized and notated.

sydney harbour view, looking NE
at the far side of the picture is the Pacific.
we take a ferry from the bridge (far left of picture) to where we live.
i take another ferry from the bridge to where i work in Rose Bay.
double ferry commute toot toot.

this is the best place for skateboarding: Hyde Park that borders the downtown.
i walk from left to right when i'm on my way to "school".

going from right to left there is a 2% grade downhill which means you can just glide on your board the entire park without paddling even once. the tiles of the pathway are so smooth with almost no crevices in between, it's like a dance hall floor.

the long straight lines of the picture are covered by an arched canopy of australian giants.
this country has the most magnificent trees.

and i've climbed most of them!

(obrigada o meu amor for being the best BEST

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011


The Australian Museum, the oldest museum in Oz according to its website, is the natural history museum - which means it is full of cool weird and interesting things because this continent is full of cool weird and interesting naturalness.

but what is more natural than native-habitat-ifying the museum to better-suit the local species?
what does that mean?

museum + BEER! = Jurassic Lounge

a museum special of late night Tuesdays where 18+'ers (drinking age) and the like can visit the museum - free drink with entry! and ooh and ahh at the dinosaurs and get down to disco beats.
(nonsequitor: one of the sailors on my sailing team, 7 years old? has named his boat "the Rockasaurus" and he has drawn his own "Rockasaurus" on the back which resembles a T-Rex gripping a microphone.)

or... the Silent Disco!
Which actually wasn't silent at all, there was so much ambient noise it really dampened the effect, but we had fun scooting about listening to bla-pop music in a room with no actual speakers. honestly, the exhibit about dinosaur poo was a lot more fun.

The museum can be pretty sneaky!
With hidden creatures poking out behind walls, or sitting on top of them...

These 3 mice were dead, but they looked like they were alive

These baby crocs were alive, but they hardly moved we thought they were dead.

Raptor-ous love
(I just love how my eyes match my lipstick and my dress!)

I'm going to take a page out of this stick-bugs life...
and stick with this man.

It was a pretty fun night and sometimes we were
owling with laughter!

i love the
cause they're so delicious!
and just as prehistoric as the word "fishes".

Silvino wore his a green dinosaur tail and I wore baby blue shoes.
the end.