Monday, May 31, 2010

buon appetito!

rosemary and crushed chili with bit of s and p and olive oil on sweet potatos and cubed onions. mushed up bits of bacon fat, coriander, garam masala, cumin, lime pickle, bit of lemon juice and whole grain mustard and filled under chicken skin. shoved all the leftovers, lemon rind inside chicken. placed on top of bed of potatos, draped bacon strips over the chicken...


i drank it with a purple grape juice and sparkling water cocktail which i proceeded to kick all over the white carpet and then spent 2 hours scrubbing and soaking and throwing every wives' tale concoction i could think of onto the floor mixed with plenty of "oh LIZZI!'s" and "oh please work!'s"

1 comment:

  1. Did it work?? And BTW that looks AWESOME!
